Images and video from “The Opinions of Men” (2020)

When many fringe festivals went virtual in 2020, I learned a handful of animation and editing programs during quarantine, producing a 60-minute animation featuring 25+ actors I recorded remotely. The animated play was featured in the Cincinnati Fringe Festival, the Kansas City Fringe Festival (where it won Staff Pick of the Fringe), the Minnesota Fringe Festival, and the Elgin Fringe Festival.

Queen Elizabeth I (Elizabeth Chinn Molloy) offers Werner a space in her tower.

Best friends Henry the 8th (Jordan Trovillion) and Henry the 2nd (Andrew Ian Adams) go in for a handshake.

Pope Clement VII (Maggie Cramer) has no patience for the two King Henries.

Trent (Rory Sheridan) welcomes everyone to the Council of Trent.

Martin Luther (Jared Earland) considers his legacy.

Katherine (Brianna Bernard) questions Martin Luther’s approach.